$900,000 for a woman where the bus driver closed the door on her
Posted by Robert A. Flaster
While walking onto a City bus in Brooklyn the bus driver closed the front door of the bus on a
woman’s leg. The woman did not realize she was inj ured until later that night and did not obtain
the name and phone numbers of any passengers on the bus to back up her story. The bus driver
denied that he closed the door on her. The Transit Authority had a woman testify at the trial who
claimed she was on the bus and that the client went onto the bus through the back door not the
front door. In spite of this woman’s testimony, the jury still gave a verdict for the client and
decided the bus driver was partly responsible for the accident. The woman had a previous back
problem which got worse from this accident and she underwent surgery during which 2 discs
were removed. After the jury found the bus driver to be partly responsible for the accident, the
case settled for $900,000.