Construction Accidents

NYC Construction Accident Lawyers For Workplace Injuries

When compared to other industries, construction is perhaps one of the riskiest professions. In New York City alone, according to the New York Post, the number of job site accidents increased by 31% from 2011-2012, while injuries were up by 46% in the same period. If you’ve sustained injuries from a car accident, or have been affected by a construction accident fatality, it is important to be aware of your legal options and opportunities to recover damages. Robert Flaster and his experienced team of NYC personal injury lawyers and NYC construction accident attorneys can help.

When to Consult Our Construction Accident Lawyers in New York City

Construction workplace injuries can occur as a result of incidents such as crane accidents, improper scaffolding, and death can also occur on construction work sites. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s most recent 2011 report, these four construction fatality causes were responsible for about three out of five construction worker deaths in 2011:

  • Falls
  • Struck by object
  • Electrocutions
  • Caught-in/between

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration also reported that about 18% of all worker fatalities in private industry came from construction accidents—which equates to about 4 in 100,000 full-time workers annually. While many regulations exist to ensure workplace safety, mistakes do occur. It is important to consult with a Flaster New York City construction accident attorney to go over your legal options, especially if:

  • You are having difficulty identifying the party responsible for the accident.
  • You have sustained an injury or injuries that will drastically and negatively affect the quality of your life.
  • If you are incurring high medical costs from your construction accident injury.
  • If you are running into issues with your insurance provider regarding any costs resulting from the construction accident injury.

Poor scaffolding, respiratory hazards, equipment malfunctions and inadequate fall protection are among the many factors that can lead to a construction injury or fatality. Regardless of the type of NYC workplace injury claim you are looking to file, Flaster’s NYC construction accident lawyers will point you in the right direction.

Our NYC Construction Accident Attorneys Can Help

If you have suffered injuries from a construction injury accident, or are affiliated with someone who died as a result of a construction accident, call now to meet with an experienced NYC personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of Robert Flaster. Our New York City construction attorneys will look into your case and discuss with you relevant laws and recent legal outcomes that could help with building an effective case against the party responsible for the construction accident, and help you determine the best legal strategy for your situation.

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